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5 Best School Virtual Tours that Impress Parents

Category: Recommendation

5 Best School Virtual Tours that Impress Parents

Choosing the best school for your child has become more than just going through pamphlets or attending open days. Virtual tours have therefore gained prominence in enabling those wishing to join such institutions to see firsthand what classrooms look like as well as other aspects connected with the institute life from any part of the globe. In this blog, we will take a look at five outstanding virtual school tours aimed at showing academic environments and the spirit of every school’s community and culture. 

Looking into schools online is a fun and educative way for learners and guardians to get to know more about schools. They show exactly what life on campus looks like, and campus facilities which in turn empowers families to make well-informed choices about their educational investments. 


What are School Virtual Tours?

School virtual tours are digital depictions or re-enactments of school grounds, amenities, and study environments as seen by potential students and their parents from other places. These trips use different forms of media like 360-degree panoramic photographs, video clips, snapshots, an interactive map among others so as to offer an elaborate experience.


Here are key aspects and features of School virtual tours:

  • Immersive Experience: School virtual tours are meant to replicate the real-life scenario of a visitor physically touring the school compound. These help the user move around in different parts of the campus such as the classrooms, libraries, gymnasiums, hostels, parlour, and other areas; thus portraying a complete picture of the learning institution.


  • Multimedia Content: Virtual tours, therefore, include multimedia facets. This may range from high-quality photo images and videos depicting the activities and events taking place on the campus as well as procedural activities and other events happening within the institutions such as achievement ceremonials, social events, or any other functions implementing the use of virtual reality may involve enabling users to tour around the campus and interactively explore areas of interest animatedly. A 360-degree view of the campus and of areas of interest within the campus are also a part of these tours.


  • Accessibility: The school virtual tours can easily be accessed via an internet connection from any place in the world. It has the advantage of to-be learners, and their families in that they can visit and acquaint themselves with the school at their convenience without necessarily having to physically travel from one school to the next, especially for international or distant learners.


  • Informational Resources: Besides, such virtual tours may be complemented with useful additional links including information on admission, curricula, intriguing programs, tutors, students’ testimonials, and FAQs. These resources contain vast information regarding the school's course portfolio, the school, the surrounding environment of the school, and the steps that a person has to follow to be enrolled in the said school.


  • Engagement and Interaction: Some virtual school tours contain specific guides through which the user can press some special points, which can be either hot spots or symbols in the flow of the tour. This interaction increases the level of participation and enables the users to make adjustments that appeal to them regarding their inquiries.


  • Marketing and Recruitment Tool: Virtual school tours are of great importance for educational institutions as the key marketing and recruitment promotion means. They assist in attracting prospective students by assisting them to see the best features of the school, special attributes and learning environment of the school, and life within the compound of the school which in turn assists them in making their decision.


  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Geographical school tours are convenient to update on certain changes regarding the compounds, events or programs. This flexibility helps in making sure that the information provided here is up-to-date and relevant to would-be applicants.


Top 5 School Virtual Tours

1. Sewickley Academy

  • Location: Pittsburgh, PA
  • Highlights:

Parent Feedback: Videos are shown during virtual tours where parents talk about what they like best about the school and how it differs from other places; these videos give better information than brochures or websites alone.

Campus Map: The Interactive Campus Map is a detailed map showing classrooms, sports facilities and other common compounds, which gives an in-depth insight into Sewickley Academy’s setting and advantages.

Resources: Inclusive resources such as FAQs, admissions information and reopening plans assure transparency and respond to frequently asked questions about enrollment.


2. Taft School

  • Location: Watertown, CT
  • Virtual Tour Link: Discover Taft School's Virtual Tour
  • Highlights:

Admissions Video: A captivating overview video showcasing school activities, facilities, and student life, highlighting Taft School's vibrant community and academic offerings.

Student Interviews: Personal insights from current students about their experiences, providing a relatable perspective for prospective families.

Interactive Resources: Links to social media and virtual events foster ongoing engagement beyond the virtual tour experience.


3. Choate Rosemary Hall

  • Location: Wallingford, CT
  • Highlights:

360-Degree Views: Interactive maps with panoramic views and detailed descriptions of campus buildings, offering a comprehensive visual exploration.

Mini-Tour Videos: Student-led videos explaining the history and purpose of campus structures, combining architectural details with personal narratives.

Photo Slideshows: Visual presentations showcasing campus life and facilities, enhancing understanding and appreciation.


4. Milton Academy

  • Location: Milton, MA
  • Highlights:

Click-Through Experience: User-friendly interface allowing flexible exploration of campus facilities and student life.

Student-Created Content: Informative videos by current students sharing personal insights into academics, extracurriculars, and campus culture.

Welcome and Overview: Personalised video introduction by school leadership, setting the tone for the virtual tour experience.


5. Salve Regina University

  • Location: Newport, RI
  • Highlights:

Panoramic Views: This is a tour of 15 school sites in 360 degrees with rich media content.

Exploration: Learn about academic blocks, hostels, and game facilities, which give a wider perspective of the university experience.

Features: Fast information, video clips, and other resources are additional features of the virtual tour.


Creating Virtual Tours that Impress Parents: Top 5 Tips

In today's digital universe, schools need to focus on making great first impressions more than ever before. Having a thoughtfully put-together virtual tour can help bring in new parents and show the world your school’s incredible teaching environment. 

However, what does an outstanding virtual tour look like? Learn about the top five tips here:


Remember, it's for Parents: Put yourself in the shoes of busy parents seeking the perfect school for their child. What questions would they have? What would they want to see? Tailor your school virtual tours to address their concerns and showcase what makes your school special.


Show the Human Touch: Parents want to see the facilities, but they also want to connect with the people who make your school tick. Introduce teachers, students, staff, and even parents themselves! Let their personalities and enthusiasm shine through.


Script for Success: While authenticity is important, avoid rambling or improvisation. A well-written script will ensure you stay on track, save time and it will help you avoid confusion during production. Remember, it’s only in consistency with the central idea that you can always mix up things.


Go Beyond the Bricks and Mortar: Though displaying features is important, one must not forget to emphasise the unique offerings of one’s school including aspects such as co-curriculum activities, and special programs alongside the school’s culture. A glimpse into a vibrant study environment where your child can gain knowledge should capture parents’ imaginations.


Confidence is Key: Whether you're a seasoned person or leading this project for the first time, remember that your passion and dedication are valuable! Practice your delivery, be confident, and let your enthusiasm for your school shine through.


Make it Easy to Access and Share: A great virtual tour should be easily accessible on your school's website and shared across various platforms. Ensure parents can quickly find this information and can share it with those who also might want more details on your school. 


Bonus Tip: Play around with interactions such as 360-degree views. Click-through points are hotter than others, and maybe even conduct live sessions virtually while taking parents around these places on the internet, these make the tour more engaging than just showing them around in a circle over and over again without involving anything or anyone else.



School virtual tours are indispensable tools for modern parents and students evaluating educational options. These five exemplary tours not only provide insights into academic facilities but also convey the unique atmosphere and community spirit of each institution. Whether through interactive maps, student testimonials, or panoramic views, these virtual tours enable families to make informed decisions and envision their child's educational journey from afar.

Visit Skoodos and get more information on virtual school tours. Read how these tours can help in enrolling more students in the institute. Virtual tours play a huge role in making students aware of the atmosphere of the school.



Q: How can I access panoramic views and navigate through different campus locations?

A: Interactive interface with detailed descriptions and multimedia guides exploration.


Q: Is there a way to connect with current students or faculty during the tour?

A: Contact information for admissions facilitates connections with campus community members upon request.


Q: Can I interact with current students or faculty during the virtual tour?

A: While direct interaction isn't included in the tour, contact details for admissions facilitate personalised virtual meetings.


Q: How often is the virtual tour updated?

A: Regular updates ensure current content on on-campus facilities and events.


Q: How can I access additional resources or schedule a live virtual tour?

A: Direct links provide access to admissions information and opportunities for personalised virtual interactions.

Published on: 09 Jul 2024
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